My desire is that children with disabilities in Ghana experience that they are valuable and that their environment can accept them as part of God's creation.
!nclusion is a project in Kanvilli, in the north of Ghana, that aims to improve the lives of children with disabilities. In Ghana, children with disabilities are often rejected, murdered or hidden at home. !nclusion wants to make these children visible by starting a project school where these children can go, so that their development is stimulated. The focus will be on the possibilities of children with disabilities. The intention is that these children will be referred to the existing school system after a maximum of 2 years. Depending on the disability, this can be a regular school, an internship or a special school.
If you would like to make a contribution to the !nclusion project, you can transfer this yourself to (ANBI) account number NL78RABO0373333900 of the Victory Foundation (formerly Taclla Foundation) stating Inclusion. The QR code below will automatically redirect you to a one-time donation to our account number.
Donate with an authorization? If you click on the button below, you will automatically be redirected to the donation form of the foundation. Check the project !nclusion here and transfer your one-time or structural donation by means of an authorization. Thank you for your gift!

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